[Free] Zoom Call kicks off: October 7th-10th 6 PM EST

The 3 Steps

to BE Your Dream Weight

If there is a way to take your body from overweight, sick, and stressed to

Be in the best shape of your life with three steps would you be ready to take action?

If you are not willing to put time, money, and energy into

the solution to BE HEALTHY this is NOT for you!


Imagine a Way to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Family...

There's a Secret that makes dropping weight EASY and Permanent and it does

NOT require a gym, lifting heavy weights, tons of cardio, or a restrictive diet

This Event Will Reveal the 3 Mistakes You Make That Keep You SICK, TIRED, and OVERWEIGHT!

Live your Dream Life by Being Your Dream Weight with

3 Simple Steps to Feel, Look, and Function at the Highest Level at Any Age. 

Introducing The 3 Scientifically Proven and Spiritually Backed Secrets to

Have Your Dream Body

The 4 Day (90 Minute per day) Zoom Call for Parents to Learn the Secrets of Getting Fit and Healthy

without Hours of Cardio, Gyms, or Diets

What you don’t know, you don’t know…

and what you don’t know- or think you do know that ain't so-

can hurt you, make you sick, broke, and overweight, or kill you.

You have been taught by the media and your neighbor to eat less and exercise more which leads to slowing your metabolism, eating disorders, and risk of injury by overtraining inefficiently. 

The real problem is that thinking this way makes you a victim of the belief that being fit and healthy is hard when it is EASY.

Picture yourself saving thousands of dollars on healthcare, overcoming food addictions, and earning more money with more confidence by having the ultimate level of fitness without gyms, hours of forced training, or restrictive diets.

Let's Peel back the blinders so you enjoy more

time Loving Life without

"hating" working out or restricting yourself from eating...

Here's What You'll Learn:

Day 1: Why You Are Overweight and The Reason Why We Do Everything

Why You Have Been Sabotaging Your Chance of Losing Fat

Hint: It is NOT about how much you are eating or what workout you are NOT doing

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Day 2: Kiss Diets Goodbye and Get More Results with LESS Time

The Appetizing Abundant Way of Eating That Does NOT Require Restriction or Hunger.

We Reveal the Yummy "Real" Foods That Will Help You Lose Excess Weight

This is NOT a DIET and IS ACTUAL NUTRITION that Will have you Live Healthy

Taught by a Doctor of Nutrition who taught in University for a Decade

This is a Game-Changer: Spend Less Time and Get More Results with a Scientifically Proven Method

See the Mistakes Many Make that Slow Metabolism, Get You Flabby, and Have You Gain Weight

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Day 3: The Secret to Boosting Metabolism No One Talks About

I'll Unlock the Secret Key's to Change Your "Stubborn Body Fat and Slow Metabolism"

Understand the Recipe to Burn Fat While You Sleep

Most People Do the Opposite as they are taught to Eat Less and Exercise More, Which Slows Metabolism

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Day 4: The 3 Step Simple Solution to Drop Excess Body Fat Like Baggage

Get a Clear View on How Easy This Really is

Q and A with an Overview of The Health Transformation to Weigh Less, with Less Time Training


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The Reason Why You Fail or Succeed Permanently with EASE

The Number One Step to Have a Sexy Body

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In This 4 Day Experience You Will See Exactly How to

Ditch the Diets, Hours of Gym Time

and Tons of Forced Cardio Once and For All!

Join other Parents and Professionals who have

lost excess weight and eliminated symptoms of disease

without a gym or hours of cardio!

Dr. Keith J. Lopez will be Leading You Through

The 3 Simple Steps That Are

Scientifically and Physiologically Proven to Give You the BEST and SAFEST Chance of Losing Excess Weight and Being the Healthiest Version of Yourself.

Learn from a Qualified Teacher with a

PhD and Master's in Nutrition and Undergrad in Exercise Science

Register NOW for the Virtual Experience

6:00-7:30 pm Eastern Standard Time

You will receive a BONUS (The Biological Age Generator) with the details and link to the event so that we can Thrive Together!

at 6:00- 7:30 PM EST

*Only The First 100 Will Be Able to Enter

So Come BEFORE 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time to Be Sure You Get ALL The Details to Design Your Dream Life.

If you are not ready to invest TIME, Money, and Energy to change your life, and be there early than this is probably NOT for you at this time.

This is NOT a temporary fix, some gel or supplement, or a fad diet and 2 minute ab exercise- IT IS a permanent solution to the problem of

weight gain, lack of confidence, and not loving how you look in the mirror.

Click the Black Button & Immediately Gain Access to the Bonus Gift

OGFit Manifesto

OGFit is a New Kind Of Health

The OGFit Family is Creating Generational Health

We Wage War Against Medicorcy and Complacency

We Harmonize with Nature and Natural Movement

Our Chef is GOD and Our Choice is Heaven on Earth

We Evoke The Happiest Most Fit Version Of Ourselves

We Are Role Models To Our Children and The World

We Need No Gym and Have Fun Instead of Forced Cardio We Dance

We Are Free, and Our Playground is The Forest

We Do Not Restrict Or Starve, We Eat in Abundance

We Have Awareness, Instead of Counting Calories We Enjoy Them

OGFitters Appreciate Our Bodies

We Create Generational Health

We Evoke Our Happy Highest Self

We Expect Greatness

We Are OGFit

You Are One Step Away From Generational Health!

